by HCM Property Management | Jul 9, 2021 | Investing in Rental Properties, Owner Education, Property Management, Property Management Education
Professional Long Beach property management is something we recommend for all rental property owners and investors. It’s especially critical for out-of-state and non-local landlords. If you own a home here in the Long Beach rental market but you don’t live nearby, you need a local expert to seamlessly handle the leasing, management, and maintenance of that home. You need a reliable contact for tenants and a qualified team of professionals who stay up to date on the constantly shifting laws and requirements.
by HCM Property Management | Feb 21, 2020 | Owner Education, Property Management Education
As you may be aware, California has a new Rent Control Law titled AB-1482. It’s called the Tenant Protection Act of 2019. In the past, rent control restrictions had been isolated to specific cities or communities, but the new law affects ALL of California. So, if you own a rental property in Los Angeles or Orange County, there are a few key details you will need to be aware of to be in compliance with the new law. Also, the new law will generally not override municipalities that have existing rent control provisions.